It's real, you can do it! & Competitiveness in the North Region of Portugal
It's real, you can do it!
MIETE 2nd Cycle has a clear value proposition to it's students: An Integrated trainning in the innovation process and in technology, promoting the creation of new technology-based business. Moreover, we take our students go through a rigorous hands-on training that covers the entire venture creation process.
Leaving the course with your own business is real! Two businesses have already been launched with the business plan prepared during MIETE:
February 2007: Tomorrow Options Microelectronics S.A. (no website)
March 2006: IDEAVITY , 1st entreprise is launched by former MIETE students. You can actually register and use their Social Networking Platform for teenagers:
We hope to make an announcement of MIETE 2nd Cycle soon. We are still waiting for its approval by DGES. Please let us know if you have any questions!
SKYPE: miete.up
You can download the MIETE 2nd Cycle brochure here: English, Português
Competitiveness in the North Region of Portugal, Porto, 15 March
We have today a contribution from Mr. Ricardo Jorge da Fonseca Luz, with a Degree in Economics from Porto University (1991) and a MSc in Design for Sustainability, Cranfield University, UK (2005). He has large and diverse experiences as a Strategy and Management Consultant and Entrepreneur. He is founder and partner of GESTLUZ - Consultores de Gestão, Lda., of Designarte – Design e Comunicação, Lda., and of a spin-off in the area of Computer Dynamics Fluids (FluidInova – Engenharia de Fluidos, S.A.). He is also President of a Business Angels Network - Invicta Angels ( and Vice-President of Alumni Association of Faculty of Economics of Porto University (
MIETE-BLOG: Dr. Ricardo Luz, thank you so much for your availability to talk with us. Could you give us a brief presentation of Invicta Angels?
Ricardo Luz: The Invicta Angels – Porto Business Angels Association is a group of persons available to invest not only money but also their experience and their business skills, time and contact networks in Entrepreneurial Projects in Porto’s Region. Business Angels are private investors, also called informal investors, who invest in small and medium sized businesses with a high potential of growth. To Invicta Angels the relationship with the most representative Entities of Porto’s Region is fundamental, for the development of her activity, namely those who promote a better linkage between I&DT Centres, incubators and the market, through the associates contacts networks. Periodically, the Invicta Angels promotes a “Dinner – Projects Presentation”, where entrepreneurs have 5 minutes to present their ideas/projects, selected previously by the associates/investors.
Further information
The Federação Nacional de Associações de Business Angels promotes its National Week of Business Angels from the 12th to the 16th of March in various places in Portugal! A great opportunity for Entrepreneurs to meet Investors directly. More information can be found at
Included in this initiative, the Invicta Angels promotes, on the 15th of March (Thursday) from 15h30m to 19h30, the event “Competitiveness in North Region: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Financing”, in the Salão Nobre of University of Porto.
The "National Week of Business Angels" precedes the EBAN - European Business Angel Network Congress that will take place on April 16 and 17 in Estoril Congress Center, on the outskirts of Lisbon, and will receive institutional sponsorship from IAPMEI and the City Hall of Cascais.
Competitividade da Região Norte: Inovação, Empreendedorismo e Financiamento
15 de Março | Salão Nobre da Reitoria
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